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Editors, Managers, Boards, & Staff -- 1880-2006
Kurt Vonnegut '44 to Speak
At The Sun's 125th Anniversary
John Hassell '91, Former Sun M.E., Wins Pulitzer -- Story
'06 Elected Sun Editor in Chief;
Jean-Paul LaClair '06
Elected Sun Business
Eric Finkelstein '06
Elected Sun Managing Editor
Martha Howe
Martha Howe, who was The Sun's office manager for many
years, died on December 28, 2004. She was 94. Obituary.
Neroulias '01
writes that she (a former Sun feature editor and senior editor) is
engaged to former Sun M.E. Salil Gupte
'01. They are planning "a Sage Chapel-Statler Hotel wedding in
July, 2006!" Nicole just marked her
one-year anniversary at The San Mateo County Times, where she covers
four cities and has started a weekly Faith page. "My editors had
their doubts when I offered to recruit and edit columnists -- clergy
members more than twice my age -- and write/coordinate feature stories
for the section every week. They never worked for The Sun." Salil
is in business school at Stanford.
Schaap '91
in The
New York Times
Guess '05 wins Columbia
writing award.
Lee '96 writes: "Am
so sorry to miss the reunion! Please send my best to everyone. These
days I am an attorney in Boston, working in investment in affordable
housing. Probably not my lifetime career, but I work with great people
and it can be pretty interesting and a good cause. Married a great New
Zealander named Jacob Smith (whom I met while we were getting an MA
in Film Studies) and we are expecting our first child in October.
Totally wild. Haven't had the pleasure of being in touch with any Sun
alums lately, except for a current staff member Brian
Tsao (who is my "god-brother"...hey Brian!) and Brad
Chartrand (of Cornell hockey and Sports column fame) who
recently moved back East after several successful years with the LA
Kings. Love hearing what people have been up to! Hope to get back to
taking some more photos some time soon. Have a great reunion!"
B. Hoffman '67
writes: "Continuing to tilt against windmills, I'm spending half a
year in Jakarta trying to reform the Indonesian Supreme Court. Two
years ago I was working on a similar project in Bangladesh, which
Transparency Intl claims is even more corrupt, but however you slice it,
this is the big leagues of corruption. It's refreshing when, for a
break, I manage (this January and in March) to spend a week in
'comparatively uncorrupt' Chicago where I'm part of a team aiming to
move cases faster in the city's principal criminal court at 26th &
California. I haven't run into Joel
Kaplan '66 yet, as either lawyer or defendant. I'm in
regular communication with the only real, general legal practitioner
left, possibly in the world but certainly Queens, Nick
Kass '65, who concedes that little did we realize that our
time would turn out to be the glory days of Cornell basketball,
finishing second instead of second division. Sorry to hear about Mrs.
Howe--she was a lovely lady--but it's hard to complain about
going at 94. I should be so lucky."
Zawel '04 writes from New
York: "After nearly two years of research, writing, rewriting and
then writing again, I've finally completed a project that began as an
independent study at Cornell in 2003: a 200+ page comprehensive college
guidebook on the Ivy League — covering every aspect, from athletics
and admissions to secret societies and famous pranks — that will be
published by College Prowler this summer (2005). The book itself would
never have been possible without the help and expertise of so many Sun
editors and writers, who assisted with everything from conducting
research and polling college students to making sure that our beloved
newspaper clinched the #1 spot on the 'Ivy Newspaper Rankings' list
(just kidding about the latter). Visit my website
for more information on the book."
"I'm very sad to report
that Karen Erdman
'86 died October 13 from injuries in a car accident the previous day, in
Wilmington, N.C., where she was a high school English teacher. Karen was
a great reporter, columnist, and copy editor at The Sun. She challenged
her colleagues there not only on their precision of language, but on
their coverage of all groups on campus, pushing us to do a better job of
covering minority students, women's issues, and gay and lesbian issues.
Karen taught those around her a great deal -- both from the passion of
her convictions and from the warmth of her friendship." -- Scott
Jaschik '85 -- Obituary
/ Karen
Erdman Book Memorial
Guess '05, The Sun's (then
current) editor-in-chief, writes: "It's been a busy summer and an
especially hectic past two weeks. We've successfully upgraded to
entirely new hardware and software, which, after some initial growing
pains, is making our work quicker and more efficient than ever. The
Sun is now free and in color every
day. Tomorrow we roll out a new website design, and after
fall break we'll have an entirely new print layout and design -- both in
the physical location of content and in the look of the fonts and other
elements. We are also doing everything digitally, sending our pages to
the press in Corning in PDF format. The printing quality has improved
markedly. Ad sales are up, and circulation has increased to 5,000,
making our readership larger than ever. We are distributing in over 35
points across campus in wire racks, with large plastic outdoor racks on
the way. Merchandising and promotion on campus is starting to take off
as well in the form of bumper stickers and T-shirts, with more on the
way. In 10 days a professor from the Somaiya Institute in Mumbai will be
visiting us for a week to see how we operate so that she can take back
what she learns to the student paper there. And just this past Friday,
we had a story on the front page that's since been reported by the
Associated Press and news media from all over the country. We're working
on improving our investigative and city reporting, and we're still
keeping the administration on its toes. We're always looking for new
furniture and are trying to raise funds to get a TV mounted on the
newsroom wall."
Shavelson '37 writes: The
2003 Cornell Alumni Sun "carried an obit of my old Sun partner in
crime, J.F. (Flash) Hillegas, with whom I spent some of the most
outrageous years of my Cornell life. One of the incidents to which you
referred was the Sun political rally honoring State Senator John J.
McNaboe, organized by Hillegas after the Senator accused Cornell of
being a hotbed of marijuana smoking and Communist treason, both enjoying
considerable popularity at the time, although not in Ithaca. This
earth-shaking event was recorded in the Annual, as seen in the linked
page of photos, proving to the present generation it actually did
take place. Photo #1 is the Editor of the Berry Patch (me) holding up a
microphone to a rat representing Senator McNaboe. The rodent is being
carefully held by Alan Wilson, then Editor of The Sun, who, as you may
note, was wearing gloves against both the weather and the Senator. The
rat, as I recall, spoke rather eloquently, and several hundred
Cornellians visible in the background applauded enthusiastically. Photo
#4 is Hillegas himself, smoking Godknowswhat in that long pipe, to
validate the Senator's accusations. The photo below that is several of
the Sun staff, wearing beards to identify them as authentic Communists,
as they waved red flares. Flash Hillegas went on to a distinguished
career in journalism, radio, and TV, and kept up his contacts with
Cornell and Cornellians, including myself, to the end. As for Senator
McNaboe, he sort of disappeared after that rally. I don't blame
'70 writes: "Those
of us who did our Sun writing and editing back in the 1960s didn't
realize it at the time, but we all grew up in a United States that was
becoming significantly more equal. Ever since, for almost all of our
adult lives, we've been living in a society headed in the opposite
direction. Our most affluent 1% now have more wealth, over $2 trillion
more, than our entire bottom 90%. I recently retired, after a career in
labor journalism, and now I'm devoting my time to writing about the
massive economic transformation we've seen over the past 30 years -- and
what we could be doing about it. I have a new book out, Greed and
Good: Understanding and Overcoming the Inequality That Limits Our Lives
(more at,
and I'm also editing an e-mail weekly on inequality (more at
If you're around Ithaca this fall, I'll be giving a talk at the still
relatively new Cornell Center for the Study of Inequality Sept. 24. The
topic: FDR, Inequality, and the American Maximum Wage Tradition. Yes,
that's right, we once had politicos who talked openly about capping
Herb ’94 writes: "I
was a reporter and very often a copy editor at the Sun from 1991-1994
and – guess what! – am again a copy editor. Since leaving Cornell,
I’ve gotten a master’s degree in English literature and just last
month started working on another master’s degree, only this time in
library and information science (please contain your giggles). Between
master’s degrees, I’ve been the assistant and managing editor of the
Colorado Daily in Boulder, researched and wrote education standards for
a national nonprofit, and was a web content writer and editor for two
not-so-well-off Internet-based companies, all with a little freelance
writing and editing on the side. The articles I’m editing now are
about terrible diseases and conditions and are very dismal, but at least
the style, structure, and grammar are good!"
of Donald E. Biederman '55
Mendenhall '93
writes (as translated from the Cyrillic): "I was posted back to
Russia in December, this time as NBC's Moscow-based correspondent. You'd
think I'd spend all my time here, but with that thing called Iraq going
on the Middle East has become a frequent destination. A typical month:
Germany, to cover U.S. troops wounded in Iraq; Gaza for Israel's
assassinations of Hamas leaders; London to cover the bureau there; back
to Germany; back to Israel, etc. I will spend August in Baghdad.
Meantime, the Russia story is as interesting (and deadly for some) as
ever. Bombs in the metro. The intractable Chechnya conflict. And just
when Moscow started to feel like a Western city, the editor of Forbes
Russia, Paul Klebnikov, was gunned down outside his office."
A Exclusive
Literal, Word-for-Word, Verbatim Transcript
Of the Cornell Sun Banquet Talk by Barton Mills '64
of S.C. Johnson '50, Former Sun Advertising Manager
- 5/24/04
All About It! -- Hot Copy From the Class of 1974
Benno '88 writes: "I'm
married to a Rutgers/Columbia (MS)/Carnegie Mellon (Ph.D.) guy and I
live in N.J. with my 2 sons."
L. Read ’93,
an assistant prof in the Dep't of Political Science at the U of Iowa,
writes: “I finished grad school in June 2003. There are two former
Sunnies in my department – Joel D. Barkan
'63 and Gerhard Loewenberg '49."
2003 Obituary
of Frankie Cadwell '55, former Sun newswriter.
O’Mahony ’96 is
assistant director for public relations for the Seattle Sonics and
C. Weiss ’80 writes from
Silver Spring, Md: “Just celebrated one year as freelance columnist
for the Washington Post health section. I write the bi-weekly Midlife
Everitt Bryant ’47
writes from Ann Arbor: “After serving from 1989-93 as director, U.S.
Bureau of the Census – the first woman to be director – I joined the
U of Michigan Business School when I helped design the American Customer
Satisfaction Index (ACSI), an economic indicator reported quarterly in
the Wall Street Journal. I served as managing director of ACSI for 8
years and I remain a part-time consultant.”
Bernard ’02 writes from
Paris: “Working as a researcher at the New York Times, very fun if not
a bit hectic. Been here two years now, but missing the states and my
friends there. Planning a trip to NYC/LA before June, because I need to
pick up various American sundries (Reese’s Pieces, Crest toothpaste)
and see my friends."
D. Kelley ’31 writes
from Seattle: “Retired from Kelley & O’Sullivan, attorneys at
law, in 1999.” He was a Sun news writer in 1929-31.
Fidelman Best ’82 writes
from Metuchen, N.J.: “I am approaching my 19th anniversary at Newsday,
the last nine years of which have been spent covering the Giants. Thanks
for the excellent work on the alumni newsletter and on the new building
for The Sun.”
Jaffe ’66 writes from
Connecticut: “Left Decision Strategies in June 2003. Started new
business, SIRM Services Ltd. Having a good time. Oldest son Adam is
junior at Yale, daughter Amanda starts Boston University in
Larry Wittenberg '76
is a partner at the Boston law firm
Testa, Hurwitz & Thibeault, specializing in start-up companies and
venture capital in the life sciences (mostly biotechnology). Larry and
his wife, Barbara Kane '77, have two teenagers, David and Ariel.
C. Wolpert '59
writes: "I graduated from Georgetown Law after Cornell and settled
in the DC area. Married for 42 years. My son is an '86 grad and lives
and works in the Miami area in real estate finance. My daughter and her
husband live close to me. Both have 2 children. I am in a winding-down
mode of law practice in Bethesda, Md., where I am on my own
specializing in business litigation and bankruptcy matters. Have had
several articles published in legal circles on a variety of issues."
Smith '94
is a child psychiatrist at Michigan State University in East Lansing,
and has a wife, Sara, and a 5-month-old baby, Brandon.
(Darer) Anderson '88
writes: "When I was in high school, I always wanted to work on the
school newspaper but never managed to find the time. So when I got to
Cornell, I decided to compet at The Sun. Then I became Asst. Adv.
Manager in my senior year. Little did I know that selling and designing
advertisements for local Ithaca businesses would help me later in my
career. After freelancing in the food industry for a few years in
Toronto, I decided it was time for a change -- I needed a steady job
with a steady income. I landed a job selling advertising for the Yellow
Pages. I sold ads to small businesses just as I had done in Ithaca. The
job turned out to be an interesting, profitable experience for me which
lasted for 2 years until I had my first of 3 children. Thank you to The
Cornell Daily Sun for a terrific learning experience and for opening my
eyes to the world of newspapers and advertising."
of Nancy L. (Johnson) Stevens '58, former Sun Photographer
of Jervis Langdon Jr. '27, former Sun EIC
Cronacher '85 writes:
"I started my own business as a professional life coach. See my
for info and to subscribe to my humor e-newsletter. I gave a reading of
my novel in progress, 'Hearts That We Broke Long Ago,' at Titlewaves
Books in Seattle, and Books at the Beach in Ocean Shores, WA. I
presented a creativity workshop at the Write on the Beach Conference,
2004. I am teaching 'The Art of Humor Writing' and 'Creating Characters
Using Archetypes' at the U of Washington Women's Center in spring 2004,
and I am teaching 'Crafting the Comedy' at the U of Washington Extension
in the fall of 2004."
Maslow '29 (our oldest alum?) Melissa
Herb ’94
writes: "I was a reporter and very often a copy editor at The Sun
from 1991-94 and – guess what! – am again a copy editor. Since
leaving Cornell, I’ve gotten a master’s degree in English literature
and just last month started working on another master’s degree, only
this time in library and information science (please contain your
giggles). Between
master’s degrees, I’ve been the assistant and managing editor of the
Colorado Daily in Boulder, researched and wrote education standards for
a national nonprofit, and was a web content writer and editor for two
not-so-well-off Internet-based companies, all with a little freelance
writing and editing on the side. The articles I’m editing now are
about terrible diseases and conditions and are very dismal, but at least
the style, structure, and grammar are good!"
Kaplan '66 writes from
Chicago: "It's Saturday afternoon, I am in the office, and frankly
I am bored to tears over a case I have to try in 3 weeks, so I looked up
the Sun web page. It brought a smile to see old and familiar names, so I
thought I ought to reply to your e-mail. Four months is well within the
statute of limitations. After graduation in June '66 (a lifetime ago), I
had a job offer from the Wall Street Journal, but I was guilted to go to
law school, a decision I don't regret. I graduated from the U of Chicago
Law School in 1969, a member of the law review, spent a year teaching at
the Law School and then rejoined Seyfarth Shaw (I was a summer clerk in
1968 and worked part-time there in my last year of law school). I have
been there since. I practice labor/employment law (my ILR education was
not wasted) representing management where, as a union lawyer friend
says, I suppress the working men and women of America. It's a living.
The Firm was 40 lawyers when I started, it's now 625. I am a member of
its Executive Committee and have been so for most of the past 20 years.
I have successfully argued in the Supreme Court and numerous Courts of
Appeals, have tried numerous cases--before federal judges, juries, ALJs
and arbitrators--have negotiated numerous labor agreements and have had
a pretty successful and stable professional life. My personal life has
been a bit more tumultuous. My first marriage--Cornell Hum. Ec.
'67--after my first year in law school, ended after 24 years and two
sons. Neither acquired my genes and hence both graduated from Harvard.
They liked to tell me that Cornell was their safety and they were going
through the front door (Arts & Science). My eldest is a scientist
(PhD in biophysics) in Northern California and the father of 2 (yes,
that makes me a grandfather). My youngest, after 5 years trying to make
it as a comedy writer in Hollywood, is finishing his 2d year of business
school at UCLA. Several years after my divorce, I remarried--a train
wreck, but it produced twin daughters, now almost 8. Yes, I know how
long I will be working. Several years later, I remarried and three's a
charm. Anna is an artist and political liberal--which mean we share few
views--but it works. A Portuguese Water Dog (Murray) is our only
progeny. My years on The Sun were in many ways the highlight film of my
college days, having been Sports Editor for 2 years. I had kept up with Nick
Waranoff who succeeded me, but have since lost touch. I
wonder what happened to Mike Friedman,
who preceded me as Sports Editor, and Ron Harris who was on The Sun with
me. I saw somewhere that Nick Kass ('Let's
give the heel to Sam McNeill') practices law in Queens. Doubtless,
there's a story worth knowing there. Bob Huret,
who covered hockey for The Sun, remains a close fiend. Dana
Huseby (Kull), who was the first woman sports writer in my
day keeps in touch. She's up in Boston, having moved from Atlanta, where
her husband Andy (who also worked on The Sun) teaches law. Anyway,
that's it. Not all that much to say for 35+ years, but, as we use to
say--30--." And: "I forgot to mention the sadness I felt when
the Dave Bliss story broke regarding his improprieties at Baylor. Bliss,
class of '65, had, of course, been a star basketball player at Cornell
and was, in fact, Sun Athlete of the Year. Not a lot of Cornell athletes
continue their athletic careers after college, but Bliss had gone on to
a number of college coaching jobs. What happened at Baylor was, of
course, tragic and that a Cornellian was deeply enmeshed made it doubly
1998 Obituary of Ross
Wetzsteon '54, former Sun A.E.
(Gigi) Strom '86 writes: "After
16 years living on two different kibbutzim near Eilat in Israel, I'm
planning to return to the US (Northern NJ) next summer with my husband
and three children, aged 11, 6, and 1. We haven't yet decided whether
this will be a one-year visit to reconnect with family and friends or a
permanent relocation. I was Assistant Managing Editor at The Sun 1985-6,
and moved to Israel in 1987. I haven't worked formally in journalism
since, but have done occasional translation and PR work. To my surprise
I discovered that I'm very good at business management. I've managed two
dairy farms, and served as the kibbutz treasurer and cost accountant.
I've nearly completed a master's in agricultural economics. If anyone
knows of job opportunities in Northern Jersey -- either in journalism or
in management -- I'd love to get a foot in the door! Also, I'd be
happy to renew old acquaintances. I recently reconnected with Diana
Skelton '86, and it's great catching up with old friends!"
Branegan ’72 writes:
"There is life after journalism. After retiring from Time Magazine
in 2001, I did some teaching, as I’d hoped to: I was an adjunct
professor at Georgetown and at the Medill (Northwestern) graduate
program in Washington. I also taught one day a week at a high school in
Washington, helping the students put out their online student magazine.
However, I fell one letter short in my quest to work for an NGO: I’m
working for a GO, the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. I do a lot
of writing for the committee and also work on Asian and European issues.
I started in March, 2003, right before the war in Iraq, and these have
been 'interesting times' in the foreign policy game. Looking through the
LA reunion photos, I have two comments: Ed
Zuckerman looks exactly the same, except his beard is white.
And when did Howard Rodman start
getting his hair cut?"
Goldmann (né Goldfarb)
'86 writes from Nanuet, NY: "After graduating in 1986 I worked for
my father-in-law in a hot dog manufacturing company in the Bronx. I went
back to Cornell, graduating from The College of Veterinary Medicine in
'97. In 2003 I purchased the Nanuet Animal Hospital. I regularly see Peter
Coy '82."
Jennifer Bollenbach writes: "I came upon the
Cornell Daily Sun webpage and have thoroughly enjoyed reading about
alumni and names from the past. My late husband Robert W.
Bollenbach '72 was the photo-editor of The Sun in '72 and, I
believe, '71. He passed away very young at 35. He owned a
manufacturing company in Point Pleasant, NJ, and continued his
photography as a sideline. I still make the pilgrimage to Ithaca
every few years--it must be something in the blood! The new Sun
building looks great, but oh for the days of late nights and early
morning breakfast at the Rosebud! ... I got roped into working a few
times with Bob. Although not a Cornellian, I was one at
heart! I even had a few pics published in The Sun during football
season and one in the Journal and the football program. Bob and I
were married in college and we have a daughter who is 26 and
in Albuquerque, NM. Have you heard any news on David
Krathwohl or Dan Brothers? Both were in photo in the early
70s. I was thrilled one year to pick up a book '100
Years at Cornell' and several of Bob's pictures were in
there. It made a great present for family members."
Nobody at Sun L.A.
Reunion Was Running for Governor
Bart Mills '64
Cornell Daily Sun Alumni Association
Left Coast Correspondent
Sun alumni based in Los Angeles traded tales of bygone election coups,
successful spoofs, and campaigning journalism at an enjoyable mini-reunion
Aug. 24 hosted by former newsboarder John Melissinos '86.
Some of the score of Sunnies in attendance had gone into journalism, like
co-organizer Nancy Mills '64, once The Sun's features and supplement editor,
an entertainment journalist in the years since.
Others, like the oldest participant, Mel Shavelson '37, had gone
astray -- in Shavelson's case,
graduating from writing Berry Patch columns into writing, producing and
directing films.
Noah Baylin '93, formerly on the news board, and Ed Zuckerman '70, who was
managing editor and editor-in-chief, are others who have gone into
screenwriting, "Law and Order" being their common link. Baylin
told of
covering the Ithaca crime wave of his era and participating in it by helping
hijack the Yale Daily News. Zuckerman recalled his election to M.E. as a murky political mystery.
Stan Chess '69, a lawyer and Internet entrepreneur, told how his
election as Sun editor-in-chief was linked with Zuckerman's as M.E.--as if
pre-election cabals didn't form every year.
Nancy Mills told of the maneuvering before the spring 1963 election that
resulted in the placement of future husband Bart Mills '64 as managing
editor. Bart recounted the well-worn story of the hijacking of the Daily
Princetonian in 1965, his last civilian act before a tour in the Marines and
a career in entertainment journalism.
Sara-Ellen Amster '89 cast reuners' minds back to the crude mid-80s
technology that allowed her to win praise as a magician for retrieving computer-imprisoned copy through the hocus-pocus mastered only by
managing editors. As a communications doctoral candidate now, Amster
aims to pass
on her arcane skills as a j-school prof.
Allan J. Mayer '71 and Howard Rodman '71 told of the political crises that rocked the campus in their day. Mayer
today is a crisis management adviser and Rodman writes screenplays and heads the
film/TV writing program at USC.
Mark Schwartz '85, a former Sun associate editor and now a
screenwriter, remembered a front-page piece he
wrote that helped galvanize the university's participation in the divestment
issue in the waning days of the South African apartheid government.
Joey Green '80 reminisced about the political cartoons he did for
The Sun. Since those heady days he has declined into writing 30 books.
Lawrence Bassoff '73, also a prolific author in his field, film history, reminded the
group that film reviews weren't The Sun's highest priority 30 years ago.
Yet his Sun clips were instrumental in launching his career.
Melissinos recalled adventures in Ithaca street crime reportage alongside
Marc Lacey '87. Lacey prefigured his slambang professional career by
racing down a dark alley to find a gunman while Melissinos prefigured his as an attorney by not doing so. Lacey was absent from the L.A. function due to
his posting as the New York Times' East Africa correspondent.
Paul Weissman '68, now a physicist, then the photo editor, prodded Chess's
memory with an anecdote about taking pictures of draft card burners in Central Park. Weissman disclosed how he photographically paired Robert F.
Kennedy and the Big Red Bear at Schoellkopf.
Also in attendance were Laura Wachsman '70, now a
pediatrician and USC professor, and Christen Aragoni '02 and Navneet Gil '01, one-time associate editors
now in
job-seeking and graduate-school mode, respectively.
The (Since Refurbished) Home of
America's Oldest Independent College Daily
Sun Story |
Journal Story | AP
Howard Rosenberg '87 writes from Arlington, Va.: "I've published my first
book, 'Cap Anson 1: When Captaining a Team Meant Something: Leadership in
Baseball's Early Years.' Anson, the first player to attain 3,000 hits, is a favorite
target of Jackie Robinson enthusiasts for allegedly drawing the sport's 'color
line' that Robinson broke."
Benner '87
writes: "My work utilizes large radio telescopes equipped with
high-power radar transmitters to image asteroids during close approaches
to Earth. In this case, 'close' refers to distances generally within
about 10% of the distance between the Earth and the Sun. We use the 70
meter (238 feet) Goldstone telescope in California and the 305 meter
(1000 feet) telescope at Arecibo, P.R., for the observations. Arecibo
Observatory is run by Cornell with extensive funding from the NSF.
Goldstone is part of NASA's Deep Space Network, which is operated for
NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where I work. We track the
asteroid with the telescope, transmit a radio signal at the object,
measure the reflections, and use them to study the asteroid's size,
shape, rotation state, surface morphology, composition, and surface
properties. We directly measure the asteroid's distance and velocity,
which are then used to improve the orbit and compute the asteroid's
future motion to check for close approaches with Earth. Thus, the radar
observations are intimately involved with reducing the hazard that that
these objects might hit us. Thus far, the only known asteroid that might
be threatening is 1950 DA, a kilometer-sized object that has a very
small (< 0.3%) chance of hitting Earth in about 880 years. More
information on our work and a summary of recent results is available at
our 'Asteroid Radar Research'
website." Also at the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab are Paul
Weissman '68 and Paulett Creyke
Liewer '67.
Neva S. Flaherty '63
writes: "I'm
now semi-retired and living on Cape Cod after several careers: reporter
and metro editor at the Woodbridge, N.J., News-Tribune and, later, courts
and investigative reporter at the Rochester, N.Y., Times Union; then three
years at Cornell Law School, Class of '81, followed by two years in a
corporate law firm and six years as an assistant D.A. in Rochester; then
on to Block Island, RI, where I owned and operated a B & B and
summer rental units for nine years, and a consignment store for two more
years. While on Block Island, I also reported and edited copy for the
weekly BI Times, and realized that the irreverence and plainspokenness
that exists in a newsroom are unique and missing from most other
occupations. It's one of the things I love about the news business. My
second husband and I moved to the Cape last winter and will probably
find our way into weekly journalism out here."
Joseph Reich '55 writes: "I worked on the business side for four years, rising to the
lofty role of Circulation Manager in my senior year. Regarding the
takeover of the Syracuse Daily Orange in the fall of '54, which Dick
Schaap and I planned and executed: Essentially we bribed the pressmen in
Syracuse and distributed a mock newspaper on the eve of the
Syracuse/Cornell football game. In those days Cornell still played such
powerhouses in major sports. The project was a big hoot and copies
became quite valuable in Syracuse. Glad to hear the building project
is going so well. What goes around comes around, I guess. I am an
investor in The New York Sun, a new newspaper in NY. Our modest goal is
to be a serious, moderate voice in a city where there is one newspaper
which has forgotten about NY. I doubt we will be successful financially,
but it is the second step in my newspaper career. If you wish, take a
look at what my wife and I created by going to the website of Beginning
with Children Foundation."
Monte Morgan '53
wrote from St. Louis to inform us of
the death of Philip Severin, Jr.
'53. Philip Severin was Sun
circulation manager in 1952-53, and Monte Morgan was business manager.
The following appeared in the Aug. 7 St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
"Philip Severin Jr., vice president of the Hilliker Corp., died
Monday (Aug. 4, 2003) of multiple myeloma, a form of bone marrow cancer,
at his residence in University City. He was 72. Mr. Severin was born in
Larchmont, N.Y. He received a bachelor of science degree in economics
from Cornell University and a master's degree in business administration
from the Johnson School of Management at Cornell. Mr. Severin worked in
development for Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, from 1967 until
1977. He then worked briefly for Yale University and Washington
University. Mr. Severin began his commercial real estate career with the
Siteman Organization in 1980 and later with Wallace McNeill in 1987. In
1993, he went to work for the Hilliker Corp., where he worked at the
time of his death. Mr. Severin participated in numerous civic and art
organizations in St. Louis. He was a lifelong tennis enthusiast, avid
swimmer and biker. Among the survivors are his wife of 47 years, Lois
Saidel Severin; a daughter, Amy Severin of Philadelphia; two sons, John
Severin of Los Angeles and Chip Severin of Boston; a brother, Michael
Severin of Larchmont, N.Y.; and two grandchildren. In lieu of flowers,
contributions can be made to the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit of
Barnes-Jewish Hospital, 600 South Taylor Avenue, Suite 101, St. Louis,
Mo. 63110; or to a charity of the donor's choice."
Mayer (né A.J. Mayer) '71
writes: "Although I was probably best
known around The Sun for my semi-regular column, the highlight of my
journalism career at Cornell was undoubtedly the deal I struck with my
former roommate Howard Rodman in which I agreed not to run against him
for Sun editor-in-chief (thereby ensuring his victory) in return for his
promise to let me have the coveted Sun campus parking permit (thereby
depriving Cornell of potentially thousands of dollars in parking-ticket
revenue). After graduation, I spent 18 months as a reporter at The Wall
Street Journal, followed by a decade or so at Newsweek as variously a
writer, foreign correspondent, political editor, and senior editor. In
the process, I picked up a slew of journalism awards (including the
National Magazine Award and the Overseas Press Club’s Citation of
Excellence) and wrote my first book, Madam Prime Minister, a biography
of Margaret Thatcher, whose rise to power I had covered. I was out of
journalism for most of the 1980s, working in the movie business as a
writer and producer, and then in book publishing as editorial director
of Arbor House and senior editor of Simon & Schuster. I also wrote
my second book, Gaston’s War, the true story of a remarkable young
Resistance leader in World War II. (It was later made into a movie,
starring Peter Firth.) As the 1980s drew to a close, a friend and I got
what we thought was a good idea for a new magazine, and in 1990, after
spending a year raising the money, we launched L.A.-based Buzz magazine,
which given its Left Coast location and sensibility achieved a
gratifyingly high national profile (and circulation). I
ran Buzz for seven years, before simple exhaustion led to me sell out my
interest at the end of 1996. (Alas, the magazine folded a year or so
later, but that fortunately wasn’t my problem.) I had intended to put
my feet up and retire at that point, but then I met a guy named Michael
Sitrick, one of the pioneers of a new discipline known as crisis
management. Mike and I wound up writing a book together; called Spin, it’s
ostensibly about how to deal with the news media when you get into
trouble. (What it’s really about is how news organizations work and
how easy it is to manipulate them.) Mike also wound up spinning me into
joining his firm, Sitrick & Co., where I created and now run an
entertainment practice that Variety recently described as
"Hollywood’s most prominent crisis specialists." Over the
last six years, I’ve personally provided strategic counsel to the
likes of Halle Berry, Toni Braxton, Erin Brockovich, David Duchovny, R.
Kelly, Tommy Lee, Paula Poundstone, and Robert Redford. I’ve also
helped numerous corporate and institutional clients, including most of
the major movie studios and media companies, deal with a variety of
legal, journalistic, and political challenges, ranging from the effort
to smear Universal Picture’s Oscar contender "A Beautiful
Mind" to Viacom’s recent legal battle with Spike Lee to the
Recording Industry Association of America’s current campaign against
online music piracy. I also lecture regularly on crisis management at
UCLA’s Anderson School of Business and USC’s Annenberg School of
Communication. What really matters, however, is that roughly eight
months ago I became a father for the first time. I shall spare you the
usual proud-papa blather except to say that little Sasha is the most
adorable little girl imaginable, and that pictures are available on
Ronald G.
'67 sends the following
from Kingston, Jamaica: "Attorney and Managing Partner, Daly,
Thwaites and Company; Host, Independent Talk (3 1/2 hours daily), Power
106; Minister of Religion, SS Peter and Paul (Roman Catholic Church),
St. Andrew - Jamaica; Member, National Executive, Peoples National
Party; Still married to Marcia (34 years), 5 sons, 2 daughters, 8
grandchildren." [Editor's Note: And I thought I was busy.]
Sherman '98 writes: "After
spending time as assistant sports editor and sports editor at The Sun, I
graduated in 1998. I worked at two papers in Iowa before taking a job in
the sports department of The Maui News, where my wife also works. While
moving to Hawaii took us pretty far away from a lot of friends, we’ve
also found it's a great way to stay in touch — they're always
interested in visiting, and we love serving as tour guides."
E. Marimow '97
writes: "I was a sports and news writer at The Sun between 1993 and
1997, and I owe a debt of gratitude to a Sun alumna, Rose
Gutfeld '78, who helped me land
my first job as a news clerk at Congressional Quarterly. I went on to
the Concord Monitor in New Hampshire and am now a reporter at the San
Jose Mercury News, covering state government and politics in Sacramento.
As it turns out, one of my colleagues is Rose's niece -- former Sunnie, Joelle
Tessler '93 -- and my new editor is former Sun editor, John
Hoeffel '83."
Kwon '92 writes:
"A haiku: 2003 rocks. Bought
house, wrote columns, went blond. Ah, life's rich bounty. Also, working
on seventh year at the Birmingham (Ala.) Post-Herald as features
editor. Was one of 200 Asian extras on a golf course at 3 AM for a Tim
Burton movie in Montgomery. And I found Nemo. Check out my other
musings at
Edward B.
Zuckerman '70 writes: "A TV
show I created called 'Century City' about a small law firm in Los
Angeles in 2053 has been picked up by CBS for mid-season. We are going
to work now to write and produce eight episodes (With the pilot, which
was shot in March, there will be nine). I am one of the executive
producers and the head writer. If you can give me any tips on the
practice of law in 2053, I would appreciate it."
Elizabeth A. Neuffer,
Cornell Sun '78
Globe story
Ed Sills
'77 writes: "Known during her
undergraduate years as 'Buffy,' Elizabeth was an enthusiastic Sun reporter who
went on to major assignments, including war coverage for the Boston
Globe. I occasionally read her impressive dispatches and know that many
of us who worked at The Sun in the late 1970s were saddened to learn of
her death."
'85 writes: "I was
a humor columnist for The Sun from 1981-5. I received a fellowship to
Brown University's Masters Program in Creative Writing, and a Ph.D. in
drama from the University of Washington. I received a grant from the
American Association of University Women. My scholarly work has been
published in Theatre Journal and a book, Feminist Theory and Theatre. I
adapted Rebecca Harding Davis' short story, 'LIfe in the Iron Mills' for
National Public Radio. My play 'Scavengers' has received many awards,
readings, and productions around the country, garnering rave reviews and
packing sold-out houses. I just finished my first screenplay, 'If I Were
You,' which I am marketing. I have written and performed my own work for
On The Boards, The New City Theatre, and The Seattle Fringe Festival; my
hour-long show, 'Oedipus Is Complex,' got a rave review from The Seattle
Times. I am currently working on a humor book, 'Dr. Karen's Self Doesn't
Matter: How To Make and Repeat Big Mistakes.' I live in Seattle with my
husband and dog, Ariel."
Mark A.
Belnick '68
has been in the news extensively since he left his positions as legal counsel at
Tyco, senior partner at the prestigious NY firm of Paul Weiss Rifkind,
and counsel to Cornell University. This
story appeared as the left lede on Page 1 of the Wall Street Journal
on June 4, 2003.
A link to Roger
Rattner '70: Link
Weinstein '89 writes:
"I was Associate Editor my senior year. After Cornell, I went to
Columbia Law School. I'm now a partner at Dickstein Shapiro Morin &
Oshinksy, LLP, in Washington, D.C. My wife Elise and I have two
daughters, Arielle (4 1/2) and Caroline (2)." Steve's
DiNardo '98
writes: "I left my job at USA
Today over a year ago and have been freelancing full-time since then.
I'm absolutely loving it and am still a little stunned that it's been
such an easy and successful transition." Kelly's
Richard M. Warshauer
'71 is the Sales Manager of GVA Williams, a major NYC
real estate firm. Richard has worked in commercial real estate in New York
since 1980, when he left The Daily News after 10 years.
Rodman '71
was the guest speaker at The Sun's annual banquet in
R. Sneff '75
writes: "I
wrote news articles and some features for The Sun from 1971-75. I am now
posted to the U.S. Embassy in Bridgetown, Barbados (I know it's a
hardship assignment, but someone has to do it!) Our area of
responsibility covers six island states in the beautiful Eastern
Caribbean. My daughter Caitlin is now 11 years old and in a local school
here. We will be heading back to the Washington, DC area in late July
2003 for a 2 year domestic assignment. Washington-area Sun alumni can
contact me at
I'd love to re-establish contact! Tel: 246-436-4950 ext. 2237"
Sobie '96 writes: "I am
now working in Singapore as the deputy Asia editor of UK-based Flight
International Magazine. Flight International parent Reed Elsevier
relocated me to Singapore in March 2003 from northern Virginia, where I
had lived since 1997. I graduated Cornell in 1996 following one-year
stints as the Sun's managing editor and the Sun's assistant sports
editor. I've been in journalism ever since, but in 1997 moved from
mainstream media to aviation trade journalism so I could write on topics
I was interested in. I got a private pilot's license in 1996 and am
still an active pilot, spending some of my weekends flying around
Malaysia in a Cessna 172." -
Eileen Brill Wagner '78 writes: "After a 15-year stint of owning my
own marketing and communications firm, I couldn't stay away from
journalism. I've spent the past three years working as a reporter for
the Phoenix Business Journal . This month I accepted the Journalist of
the Year award from the Arizona district office of the U.S. Small
Business Administration."
Carey '97 writes: "I was an
assistant sports editor and a columnist in my days at The Sun. After
graduation I spent a year as a news reporter at The Monitor in McAllen,
Texas, and another year as a sportswriter at The Tribune in Ames, Iowa.
Inexplicably, I've returned to Iowa, where I'm now completing my first
year at the Iowa Writers' Workshop. I'm currently working on a
collection of short stories, and I'll be teaching creative writing this
summer and in the fall."
Melba Silver '47
writes from Boca Raton, Fla.: "When I came to Cornell
in the fall of '43, The Sun was not functioning. We had The Cornell
Bulletin ("Wartime Successor to The Cornell Daily Sun") and we worked
out of the lower floor of Willard Straight Hall -- a SMALL office -- a
WEEKLY paper. At the end of the war and as vets returned, I got in touch
with Harold Raynolds, who, I heard, had been on The Sun. We met every
morning and posted an assignment sheet for the day in Goldwyn Smith. We
got there about 3 p.m. and worked until everything was ready for the
printer (who was downstairs of our office). We took turns and several
nights a week I was the one to put the paper to bed. Then I went to
Cascadilla Dorm (then for senior women), where I had to ring a doorbell
to wake the gal who let me in. When I graduated, I worked briefly for
the Albany Times Union; then was getting married and so moved to NYC
where I worked briefly for the Herald Tribune in a very minor job. So I
left and went to an advertising agency where I made lots of money!"
Bob Storandt '40 writes from Ithaca: "My wife (of 62 years) Jean (Cummings '42) and I returned to Ithaca in 1947 when I accepted a job as
assistant director of admissions at Cornell. I remained in Cornell
admissions for 36 years, about half as director of admissions. During
those years I was on The Sun Board of Directors for about 20 years, five
as board chairman. I still remember when Dick Schaap at 29 had been
named city editor of the Herald Tribune and that year Dick was the
speaker at the annual banquet. In his opening remarks he commented that
the Trib (then in financial distress) had named him because they couldn't afford to hire an adult. (Typical Dick.) We've remained in
Ithaca since retirement and continue to be devoted annual subscribers to
The Sun. We have annual reunions here in town with Dan Kops (EIC '39)
and his wife Nancy, usually when they are here for the Daniel W. Kops
Freedom of the Press lecture."
F. Gauch '90 writes from Brookline, Mass.: "My wife and I
welcomed our first child to our family on March 15, 2003. Emelia Lee
Gauch weighed in at 9 lb, 10 oz. I continue to enjoy my work in the
finance group at IBM. My wife, meanwhile, is making good progress
launching her children's writing career."
Arthur S. Leonard '74
writes from New York City: "The newspaper for which I write was
acquired by a larger publisher, renamed, and expanded to weekly
publication (used to be every other week). So now I am a contributing
writer for Gay City News (NYC) and usually have at least two articles on
gay or AID legal news in every issue. I continue to edit Lesbian/Bay Law
Notes (available on the web at
I'm co-authoring a new law school text book on sexuality and the law
which will be published by Carolina Academic Press."
Arudou Debito (formerly
Dave Aldwinckle) '87 writes from Sapporo, Japan: "After getting
Japanese citizenship in 2000, I won a lawsuit against a bathhouse in
Otaru, Japan, that excluded all 'foreigners' by appearance. Case is
currently on appeal. I also wrote a book (in Japanese at the moment) on
this case and on racial discrimination in general. Due on bookshelves
here in April 2003. Looking for overseas publisher for English version,
hint hint. More about what's going on with me at"
Jessica Lifland '91 writes
from San Francisco: "After three years in Indiana on staff at the
Evansville Courier & Press and two previous years attending graduate
school at Ohio University, I am back in the San Francisco Bay area
freelancing. I shoot for publications such as the New York Times,
Chicago Tribune and Philadelphia Inquirer. I am looking for more work,
so feel free to call me!"
William F. Waters '54 writes from
Darien, Conn.: "I was sports editor the year prior to Ann
Morrissy's taking over and breaking new ground (as the first female
sports editor in the Ivy League). She was gracious in crediting me, in
the last newsletter, for recruiting her to The Sun. I was assistant
sports information director for Cornell the year she was sports editor
and accompanied her to the famous Yale Bowl press box gig that got her
so much ink! In fact, I fixed it so she sat between both Red Smith AND
Allisan Danzig ... the two giants of sports writing." [Waters is
retired as senior vice president of Merrill Lynch & Co.]
Neil Fidelman Best '82
writes from Metuchen, NJ: "I am in my 18th year as a sportswriter
at Newsday, and am entering my ninth year of covering the New York
Barbara Everitt Bryant '47
writes from Ann Arbor, Mich.: "I was the first woman ever to direct
the U.S. Census Bureau, appointed by President George H.W. Bush in 1989.
I served until 1993, including directing the 1990 census of population.
I'm still the only woman ever to have directed a U.S. population census.
I'm still not retired -- I have a part-time appointment at the University
of Michigan."
Barry Eisler '86, J.D.
'89, writes from Menlo Park, Calif.: "Published my first novel,
Rain Fall, last year. Sequel, Hard Rain, will be out this summer. Rain
Fall is a Publisher's Weekly Best Book of 2002; rights sold in 10
countries. Jet Li bought film rights. More at"
Kirk Goldman '70 writes from University Park, Md.: "I am a
psychologist working in a private practice group that specializes in
doing comprehensive evaluations of children and adults. My husband Mark
'71, also a Sun staffer, is an internist with Kaiser Permanente,
currently working as a hospitalist at the Washington Hospital Center.
Our daughter, Robin, will graduate from Amherst College in May. She is
actively looking for a job in biology or a related field and would love
to work overseas. Our son, Michael, is a freshman at the University of
Vermont. We have adjusted quite nicely to our status as empty-nesters,
but aren't sure how long it will last as one or both of the kids may
decide to come back home for awhile next year."
Marcy Dubroff '84
writes from Lancaster, Pa.: "Still working at Franklin &
Marshall College in the communications office as news bureau manager and
campus photographer. I made the jump to digital this past year and
produced my first four-color calendar featuring photos taken with my new
'toy.' I stay busy taking care of my two beautiful children -- Ryan, 7,
the budding Ansel Adams, and Caroline, 2, the budding Evil Knievel. I'm
also freelancing for a sports photography company and doing a few
weddings (shudder) a year ... I've got to pay for a Cornell education
for my two somehow! My husband Steve deserves the man of the year award
for schlepping my photo gear at sporting events. I still keep in touch
with photogs from the 80s -- Lance Benner, Missy Beisheim Benno, Gayle
Shomer, Bob Geoghegan and Jim West. I have hopes that someday we'll have
a reunion and shoot a Pulitzer-winning story!"
Morse '96 writes: "After
living in London for several years and covering Europe, the Middle East
and Africa for ABC News, I recently moved to Hong Kong, to become ABC's
Asia Bureau Chief and producer. I've spent much of the last year in
Afghanistan and am now trying to learn how to eat with utensils and
bathe properly again, as well as settle into my new home in Hong Kong.
Somehow, most post-Cornell journalistic experiences pale in comparison
to the long nights of bad food and good friends on South Cayuga Street.
I would say that I remember fondly 'walking up the hill so late at night
and all alone' after having put The Sun to bed, but I think a former
editor already beat me to that line, and, in any event, I usually drove
up the hill, too cold and weak to deal with the walk. I was EIC of The
Sun in '95-'96 and wrote a weekly column titled, 'Go the
Robert Beyers '53 Dies
Robert Beyers '53, a former Sun editor in chief, died on Jan. 21, 2003.
Beyers worked on the Mississippi project in the 1960s, was university
relations officer at Michigan, news chief at Stanford, and leader in
Editorial Projects for Education, which launched the Chronicle of Higher
Education. He was also involved in Pacifica Radio.
Dick Schaap
Dick Schaap '55,
of ABC and ESPN fame, who was sports editor and then editor in chief of
The Sun, died in Manhattan on Friday, Dec. 21, 2001. He was 67. New
York Times obituary Washington
Post obituary Los
Angeles Times obituary
Berry Patch
Dick Schaap Speaks
at Cornell Club
Dick Schaap
'55 spoke at the Cornell Club in Manhattan on Jan.
18, 2001. The talk was co-sponsored by the Sun Alumni
Association. Arrangements were made by Penny Haitkin
Washington, D.C.,
Reunion a Major Success
Arnold '88 and Marc Lacey '87
arranged a great Sun reunion in D.C. on Dec. 4, 2000. Even
'67 had a good time. An annual D.C. reunion is likely.
One of the many plans for improving this
website is the creation of an online archive of Sun photos. Not an
archive of Cornell photos, but a compilation of photos taken of Sun
offices, Sun people, Sun events. Do you have photos of E.B. White
at his Sun desk? of Dick Hoffman painting the walls when The Sun doubled
its office space? of Sam Roberts hanging his "Not a Weekly"
sign? of Penny Haitkin at a Sun reunion? of
Kurt Vonnegut posting the
MustRun? of Marvin Josephson at the old, old office? of
Landsman or Kathy Frankovic or
J. Kirk Sale or Deborah Huffman
Schenk? Let me know.
Thanx. --Webmaster
1882 Edition
Mark G. Epstein '69 writes:
make a very long story short, I relocated to Napa Valley last year.
My business life now revolves around wine and olive oil."
Gauch '90
"Although I view my Sun experience as one of the most important of
my Cornell years, I did not pursue a writing career after graduation.
Following two years of teaching at The Saint Ann's School in Brooklyn
Heights, NY, I set off on my present journey, taking me first to
Cambridge University and NYU School of Law. Early on I set a goal to
secure a professional position though which I could develop and apply
general business skills. And after practicing law in New York City for 3
1/2 years, followed by nine months at a technology start-up (that went
bust), I now find myself -- happily -- in a business role with IBM's
Lotus Software in Cambridge, Mass. Excitingly, my lovely wife and I are
expecting our first child in March 2003, a girl. Although we recognize
this will bring significant changes to our lives, we look forward to
continuing to enjoy the varied outdoor activities available in New
England: hiking, kayaking, camping. I have not been back to Cornell
since 1995, and I look forward to visiting with the whole family
Moore '66 turns prolific:
1. A Newsday op-ed piece on ephedra and the need for better safety
regulation of dietary supplements: Newsday
2. A Sunday Boston Globe op-ed piece on lessons of the Prempro debacle. Boston
Globe 3. And just released, a Journal package on
antidepressant drug effectiveness. Journal
Rodman '71 to Chair USC Film, TV Division
According to Variety: "Rodman's
'eclectic body of work is a testament to the broad range of creative
outlets available to our students in today's entertainment industry,'
Dean Elizabeth Daley said. A veteran screenwriter, novelist and
journalist, Rodman just completed an adaptation of the nonfiction book
"Savage Grace" for Killer Films, and he is working on the true
story "The Mighty Atom" for producer and USC alumnus Ed Saxon
and Universal. His adaptation of Joseph Mitchell's "Joe Gould's
Secret" was the opening night selection at the 2000 Sundance Film
Festival and was released by October/USA Films. Rodman co-wrote
"Takedown" for Dimension/Millenium. He also wrote multiple
episodes of the Showtime anthologies "Fallen Angels" and
"The Hunger" for directors Steven Soderbergh, Tom Cruise and
Tony Scott, garnering him a Cable Ace nomination for best writing. He
served as West Coast editor of Millimeter and as a monthly columnist for
the Village Voice and has contributed several pieces to Los Angeles
magazine. His debut novel, "Destiny Express," was published by
Atheneum. Rodman is on the board of directors of the Independent Feature
Project/West and was chair of this year's Spirit Award committee. He is
a creative adviser to the Sundance Institute labs in Park City, Utah,
and Parati, Brazil, chair of the WGA West's independent caucus and a
member of the guild's organizing committee." -
Lam '94 writes: "In an attempt to join every board under
the Sun, I was a reviewer, columnist, and news reporter from 1990-94.
Unfortunately, my manifest destiny stopped at Sports and Photography. I
am now working as a freelance copy editor/word nerd, primarily for
Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel magazine in New York. My short fiction
recently appeared in Scribner's Best of the Fiction Workshops 1999
(Scribner/Simon & Schuster)." -
Hoffman '67 writes: "In the past 12 months I've been
working on judicial reform in Sri Lanka, Macedonia, Georgia (Republic
of, also Atlanta), the Philippines, Russia, Bulgaria, and DC. Atlanta
has probably made the least progress. Covering Day Hall was probably the
best preparation for dealing with judges generally--extreme sensitivity,
cover-ups are second-nature, and it takes a long time for things to
improve. But I'm finding what I do to be both challenging and a lot of
fun. It makes me feel that there really can be life after law school for
those of us who didn't head straight to media. Jim
Weill's ('66)
note reminded me that my daughter, at the same school as his daughter,
was in a production there of "Kiss Me, Kate," in which David
Lipton's son starred. I won't prejudice anyone else by admitting I've
run into him or her, but they know who they are. Incidentally, does
anyone have the inside of who will be the next President of Cornell? I
hope there are a few tall WASPy guys left. After all, the Big Red didn't
pick a Jewish guy when Harvard, Yale, and Princeton did, and now
Princeton and Penn have women in charge (in place, I suppose, of pretty
boys and drunkards--time to rewrite that song?)."
- 4/02 Marsha
Ackermann '71 writes that her new book, "Cool Comfort:
America's Romance With Air-Conditioning," will be published in May
2002 by the Smithsonian Institution Press. Peter
Szilagyi '70 writes: "As chair for the CACISNASB (The
Cornell Committee for an Intelligent Solution to a New Architecture
School Building), I would like to inform the alumni about what our
position is on the administration's misguided decision to go ahead with
Steven Holl's design for the new building. The design calls for the
razing of Rand Hall, a building that was donated to memorialize Jasper
Rand Jr., an alumnus of 1897, and an early officer of the Ingersoll Rand
Corp. How can I do that?"
Ann Gjertsen
'95 writes:
was M.E. of The Sun in '94-'95 (Courtney Rubin, whose comments appear on
this site, was my AME). Now I am a deputy editor for American Banker, a
business daily in N.Y., and an on-again/off-again freelance writer. I'm
also a quasi-newlywed, since I married Scott Malone on Oct. 21, 2000.
He's also a journalist, though not (fortunately?) a Sunnie."
Branegan '72 writes: After 20 years, six managing editors, five
postings, travels to 50 countries, and too many late-night Friday closes
to count, I am leaving TIME Magazine at the end of this month. The
company offered us old geezers (age 50 or more, with 15 years of
service) a voluntary buy-out package that, thanks to Time Warner's
recent merger with AOL, proved to be extremely generous (downsizing,
layoffs and buyouts are all the rage in the media business these days).
After much soul- searching and consulting with a financial guy, I've
decided to take the deal, which technically means I'm (gulp!) retiring.
So I go from the first in my class to share a Pulitzer to the first to
hang up the spurs. But new opportunities await. Just what they are,
however, remains unclear, since all of this came up rather suddenly.
I'll probably chill out for a bit, take a long-planned rafting trip
through the Grand Canyon at the end of August, and spend some extra time
with my folks. I've always thought I might like to teach, so I'm
exploring some options in academe, and I'll take a look at the
think-tank, NGO, foundation world to see if there's anything in the
realm of democracy-building, press freedom, globalization and other
international issues I've been covering for the past 15 years. And maybe
I can wrest control of the Washington Sun Alumni organization from that
whippersnapper Lacey. If anybody has any other ideas, knows anybody or
hears of anything, let me know. As of July 31 they'll be shutting
down my office e-mail and office phone; thereafter, my coordinates will
Jay Branegan
3811 Warren St., NW
Washington, D.C. 20016
Tel: 202-363-4860.
Globerman '99 writes: "I found this great website through a
who is graduating this May. I was a news reporter from 1996-99,
covering the city beat. Right after graduating, I took a job as
the science
reporter at The Ithaca Journal. In true Gannett style, I
then inherited the
entire campus beat in addition to the science beat.
So, I've only become
closer to Cornell since graduating, though I tried
to break away. I think
I'm the first Cornellian to work here in decades,
and I must admit that
I felt like a true traitor coming here upon
graduating after competing so
hard with the Journal as a Sunnie on the
city beat. It's been a great
experience though. I'm really looking
forward to the Sun reunion in June!"
Marc Lacey, Deerslayer?
Marc Lacey
'87, of The New York Times, may be dubbed "the Deerslayer" by
President W, according to the Washington Post. Story.
Greg Lavine '97
writes: "I was a Sun reporter for a few years and served as
managing editor 1996-97. Right after graduation, I took over as city
government reporter for the Watertown (NY) Daily Times. During my 3-year
career in Watertown, I also covered county government, cops, a bit of
the Giuliani-Lazio-Clinton U.S. Senate race and seemingly anything that
happened to break on deadline. In Oct. 2000, I trekked out to Utah to
become science reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune. Assuming I still have
a job here in 2002 (complicated ownership battle involving AT&T;
MediaNews; the Deseret News, Salt Lake City's other daily paper; the
Mormon Church and the family that used to own the Tribune) I'll be
covering curling during the Winter Olympics. For some reason, I was the
only one on staff interested in covering curling."
Marcy Dubroff '84 writes: "I gave birth to my second
child, Caroline Ivy Dubroff Ulrich, on Aug. 10, 2000. Still working at
Franklin & Marshall College as the associate director of college
relations/manager of the news bureau, and getting my photo fix by
freelancing in my spare time. I recently sold my web-based home business
College Lacrosse USA to Street and Smith's Sports Group... I was running
out of hours in the day!"
James Weill '66
writes: "I was editor-in-chief in 1965-66, an extraordinary year of
growing anti-war activity and all-around rebellion on campus. In the
period before and after being editor-in-chief, I wrote a column on
politics or campus events. After law school and a stint doing federal
litigation in legal services in Chicago, I moved to D.C. in 1982. After
a period as Program Director and General Counsel of the Children's
Defense Fund, three years ago I became head of the Food Research and
Action Center, an anti-poverty/anti-hunger group doing lobbying,
advocacy and public policy analysis. Among the Sun alumni of my era I
occasionally see around D.C. are David Lipton (our kids are in the
same school), Phyllis Kaye, Dick Hoffman, and Tom
Mike Scott
'52 writes: "Perhaps my fondest experience at the Sun was the night
in my senior year when I did what I had always wanted: yell 'stop the
presses.' In those ancient days, the Sun was composed and
printed at the Ithaca Journal, and the last task of the night editor
every evening, just after the front page was locked up (we used linotype
machines in that era) and the presses started, was to go upstairs in the
Journal offices and look at the AP teletype. When I walked into the
teletype room about 2 a.m., the machine was repeatedly sounding five
bells, which meant a major story had just broken. In this case, it
was the news that President Truman had fired Douglas MacArthur as the
chief of our military forces in Korea. That's when I got to yell
'stop the presses.' Man, what a trip! The Journal's composing room
crew thought I was crazy, but after I assured them their overtime would
be paid, they opened up the front page and inserted the story as the
right-hand lead with a five-column headline. The fun part was that 'Ithaca's
Only Morning Newspaper' scooped every paper in the State of New York,
including The Times. Incidentally, only those who served The Sun as
night editor in that bygone linotype era understand what 'etaoin shrdlu'
Paul Kangas
'94 writes: "I wrote news articles from 1990-94 and had a column my
senior year called 'Out of Step.' I occasionally wax nostalgic about the
days of Saman Zia-Zarifi, Zoltan Vardy, Dave Folkenflik, Dineen, Lisa
and Paul Johnson. A particular highlight of mine was an arguably
semi-humorous column I wrote on the aggressive salesmanship of daffodils
by a certain fraternity. This resulted in several threats to my wellness
and the obligatory angry letter(s) to the editor. Ah, journalism. After
graduation I worked at C-SPAN for three years as a producer on the
Washington Journal, where I ran into Marc Lacey on at least one
occasion as he ably guest-hosted the show. In the wake of Monica I left
to pursue other avenues and now am US Coordinator of the Transatlantic
Policy Network, an organization that works with Members of Congress and
Members of the European Parliament."
Kevin Yamamura
'99 writes: "I just checked out the Web site thanks to Jay
Wang, a
classmate and fellow edit board member during '98-'99. Great to see how
everyone is doing and how successful Sun alums have become. I was
editor-in-chief two years ago, during what was an exciting and
interesting term, to say the least. After a reporting internship at The
Sacramento Bee, I'm now a metro reporter here. I love my job, but miss
the 3 a.m. Sun bull sessions and throwing footballs through newsroom
windows. Now I wake up as early as all those people at whom we used to
scoff - you know, the ones with 9 a.m. classes."
Arnold '88 writes: "I was associate editor my senior
year after losing the race for editor-in-chief in a multiple-hour,
numerous-ballot affair that makes Gore-Bush look like Reagan-Mondale. I
worked in New Jersey at the now-defunct Daily Register, the Bridgewater
Courier-News and the Asbury Park Press, before joining the Associated
Press bureau in Washington in 1998. Marc and I have talked for months
about organizing this reunion and we're excited the date is drawing
Marc Lacey '87 writes: "I was
the editor in chief in 1986-87. I'm now covering the dying days of the
Clinton White House for the New York Times and mulling whether I want to
cover the next president or try something else. My finest assignment in
journalism is already in my past: I covered the beach for the Los
Angeles Times and went to work in shorts."
Karen Tanner Allen '83 writes:
"I was a copy editor on the Sun, senior staff, and a manager of the
compet program, graduating from Cornell, Arts & Sciences, '83. Since
then, I went to Columbia J-school, held jobs as reporter at the
Morristown (N.J.) Daily Record, The Hartford Courant, and the Bergen
Record, Hackensack, N.J. I left daily journalism to raise two children,
now ages 6 and 8, but am free-lance writing, with recent pieces in the
real estate section of the Washington Post."
Carl P. Leubsdorf '59 writes: "I'm Washington bureau chief of The Dallas
Morning News and have been for 19 years. In Washington for 37 years. Am
close friends with David Simpson '60, my successor as associate editor,
and David Engel '59, who was editor-in-chief my senior year. DS is a
lawyer in New York, DE is retired from the foreign service and living in
Florence, Italy, where his wife is deputy U.S. consul. We all recently
attended the marriage of David's only son David. Also there was J. Kirk
Sale '58, editor-in-chief that year. Also been in touch with Judith
Light Leynse '62, who lives in NY, and assorted others. I expect to
attend the reunion. There are quite a few Sun folks in Washington, and I will be interested to see who shows up."
Arthur D. Silver '63 writes: "I
wrote a weekly column of political and campus satire during 1962-63. I'm
now retired from the U.S. Agency for International Development."
Bill Sternberg '78 writes: "I
was Senior Editor, Class of '78. I'm currently Senior Washington/World
Editor at USA TODAY."
Philip S. Corwin '71, an editor and
op-ed writer, writes to say he is a lawyer/lobbyist specializing in
financial services, bankruptcy, e-commerce, and intellectual property.
Barbara Penfold Ferry '85, a
reporter, writes: "I will be unable to attend the get-together, as
I have two young children to get home, fed, bathed, etc. After
graduating from Columbia School of Journalism in '86, I decided that the
profession was not what I was looking for -- too much 'in your face' for
my personality. After working in 'Competitive Intelligence' (AKA company
research, but no digging around in corporate garbage pails -- I did have
some scruples), I worked as a Research Analyst (AKA Librarian) at the
Washington Post while getting my Masters in Library Science at the
University of Maryland. Since then, I've worked at the National
Geographic Society Library, and now am the Manager of the Business
Intelligence Unit. We track and research the entertainment markets for
NG, and produce daily/monthly/annual reports for the execs. It's a fun
job -- keeps me up on Variety-speak ('Whither The Indie Syndie Distrib?'--
typical Variety headline). Where else do you get PAID to read the
George E. Johnson '64 is Of Counsel
with Dickstein Shapiro Morin & Oshinsky, LLP.
Stuart A. Berman '79 writes: "I
have been a federal prosecutor since 1985 and an Assistant U.S. Attorney
in Maryland since 1991. I work at the U.S. Courthouse in Greenbelt, Md.,
and prosecute federal crimes originating in Montgomery and Prince
George's counties and southern Maryland."
Carolyn Skorneck '74 writes: "I
worked at the Sun 1972-74. (I transferred to Cornell from UCLA --
something about wanting to experience the change of seasons after
falling in love with the campus during a summer class.) At the Sun, I
covered the Ithaca council and worked as night editor one day a week
during my senior year, if memory serves. Now I run the AM desk at the
Washington bureau of The Associated Press. That means I attend lots of
meetings in the morning, help select the daily digest stories for AM
papers, edit those and oversee the editing of the rest. Gruesome details
available on request."
Manny Schiffres '72 writes:
"Hi. I'll be at the reunion. I'm the chief investment writer for
Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine (as you may know, the principals
at Kiplinger are active in Cornell affairs; Austin Kiplinger is a former
chairman of the board)."
Tom Helf '83 writes: "I
graduated from the Arts School in 1983, and wrote rock and jazz concert
and album reviews during my junior and senior years. My review editor
was David Wild, who is now a Senior Editor with Rolling Stone. Other
than Dave, I have not been in touch with any other staffers and, to be
honest, as an occasional contributor I didn't really know many others. I
am currently an attorney with my own practice in Bethesda (commercial
lending and real estate mostly), am married, living in Glen Echo, Md.
and expecting our first child in March. As a hobby, I play drums in the
local rock band Cravin' Dogs."
Barton Reppert '70 writes: "I
served as managing editor of The Sun in 1969-70, when we were quite busy
covering the April 1969 Straight takeover and other unrest on campus.
From 1971 to 1990 I worked for AP, mainly in the Washington bureau but
also in New York and Moscow. Since then I've been working as a freelance
writer, focusing primarily on science and technology policy issues, for
publications including The Scientist, a biweekly science newspaper, and
Government Executive, a monthly magazine."
Courtney Rubin '96 writes: "I
served as assistant managing editor on the 112th (1994-95), and senior
editor in 1995-96. I also covered the usual assortment of beats, and for
two years wrote a Friday column called Out on a Limb. Now I'm a senior
writer at Washingtonian magazine. For what it's worth, I'm also a
contributing editor for Mademoiselle and Shape magazines, and I
Deborah Kotz '91 writes:
"I worked at the Sun writing science articles. I gave myself the 'science
beat.' I currently work as a freelance health and medical writer. I
contribute to many women's magazines like McCall's, Redbook, Good
Housekeeping, Parents and also write occasionally for the Washington
Post Health Section. I also write self-help medical/diet books. Looking
forward to seeing some old Sun alums."
Rose Gutfeld '78 writes: "I was
a reporter on the news staff and then editor in chief. I graduated in
1978. Now, I am a freelance writer and editor, part-time. (I was at The
Wall Street Journal for 16 years and Congressional Quarterly for three
Rose now also teaches a writing course at American University.
Lisa Fried '95 writes: "I was
Arts and Sciences '95 and worked at the Sun as a reporter, Assistant
Managing Editor, columnist and Senior Editor. Regrettably, if
predictably, I am now in law school (Georgetown) and will graduate in
May 2001. Looking forward to the reunion."
Michael Scott '52 writes: "I
was class of 1952, and was Associate Editor on my senior year. I am in
touch with Phil Fleming and Al
Friedman, both '52, who were respectively
Sports Editor and Editor in Chief my year. They are both retired from
law practice here in Washington. "
Jay Branegan '72 writes: "I was
a senior editor and then, for a semester, the associate editor in charge
of the op-ed page when the previous AE, Dick Brass, left the paper. I
was also compet manager the year before, and one of my stellar pupils
was Elaine Povich, now herself an esteemed Washington reporter. I now
work for TIME, covering the White House (where I work with Marc Lacey of
the New York Times) after having been a foreign correspondent for 10
years in Hong Kong and Brussels. Before joining Time in 1981, I worked
for the Chicago Tribune."
Colleen Kapklein '89 writes: "I
was a senior editor (and before that, copy editor), and mostly wrote
features and for the (then new) Arts and Entertainment section. I'm
class of '89. I currently co-author/ghost-write non-fiction books,
mostly on health topics."
John DiConsiglio '88 writes: "I took up space at the
A&E section of the Sun most nights. Now I'm a freelance writer for
several magazines, including People, Redbook and Cosmopolitan. No, I
don't get to write the '10 Ways to Please Your Man From an Iron Lung'
stories. I live in Arlington, VA, with my wife and 3-year-old son, who
thinks I'm the voice of Ord on 'Dragon Tales.' Don't tell him."
Manny Schiffres '72 writes: "I
joined the Sun as a sports writer in my sophomore year and became sports
editor in 1971-72. That was an incredibly exciting period for sports at
Cornell. Ed Marinaro was setting all sorts of rushing records for the
football team, which tied for first in the Ivy League in '72. And we had
national champions in lacrosse, hockey and crew during that period. When
I first came to Cornell, the sports-prediction column was called Madame
Zarathrusta. In my sophomore year--in a true sign of the times--it was
renamed Jimmy the Freak. After I graduated, my successor, Jon Shure,
renamed the column in memory of me, calling it Manny's Ghost. That name
endured for many years. Over the years, you couldn't believe how many
Cornellians I thrilled when I told them that I was the ghost--in the
Kelly DiNardo '98 writes: "I
was a Red Letter Daze reporter - with the highlight of my Sunnie career
being an interview with the venomous Andrew Dice Clay. Currently, I work on the Life desk of USA TODAY's web site -
with the highlight of my still-early career being my weekly celebrity
Q&A column. In fact, just a few weeks ago I mentioned Cornell in a
column on stars with Ivy League educations." See Kelly's update
Stan Cohen '41 writes:
"Congratulations on this very sensible project. I wish someone had
done it years ago when my experience on The Sun still meant a great deal
to me. I had good reason to regard it as a crucial step toward what has
been a gratifying lifetime experience in journalism. But time has
marched on. The contemporaries who shared my experience are mostly gone,
and subsequent events have reduced in importance what was once the focus
of my life. Diminished health limits my ability to attend events where I
won't know anyone or have anything in common except a nostalgic link
with a distant past. So I appreciate the importance of what you are
doing and wish you every success."
-- Stan Cohen was editorial page editor during the
controversies over involvement in World War II and the crisis of
conscience that enveloped the campus when a two-year record of unbeaten
football games was in balance after an erroneous official call that allowed a fifth-down play that resulted in an apparent 7-6 victory over
Dartmouth in the last play of the game.
Elaine Povich '75 writes: I was
"news editor of the Sun 74-75. Currently, I'm the congressional
correspondent for Newsday's Washington Bureau. I also cover some
politics for Newsday and have been wrapped up totally in this endless
Ron Wick '86 writes: "I was
sports editor in 1984-85 and associate editor in 1985-86, and although I
eventually gave up journalism for a law practice in Washington, I have
nothing but good feelings about all those late nights at the bottom of
the hill. I had profound reservations about attending the reunion when I
saw that Arnold and Lacey were the party organizers, but from all the
talk about free drinks, I can see that Lacey has learned a thing or two
from hanging out with Bill Clinton."
Sudip Bose writes: "Thanks for
the message about the reunion, which I'm hoping to attend. I wrote for
the Sun off and on (if playing air hockey in a basement at 2:30 in the
morning can be considered writing) between 1990 and 1995, covering
sports and classical music; I also wrote a column called, idiotically
enough, 'Bose Knows.' I'm currently associate editor of Preservation
magazine as well as a freelance book reviewer, for such places as the
Washington Post, Washington Times, New York Times, and Salon."
Lisa Fried '95 writes: "I was
at the Sun between 1991 and 1995 as a reporter, Assistant Managing
Editor, Columnist, Senior Editor and consumer of pizza. After brief but
thrilling internships in DC, I spent three years reporting at the Asbury
Park Press before returning to the city for law school at Georgetown. If
all goes as planned (read: they let me graduate), I'll be working at a
law firm in New York next year."
Gordon Silverstein
'81 writes: "I was editor-in-chief in 1980-81 (the Sun's
bicentennial year) ... I worked at the Wall Street Journal in New York
and Hong Kong, and then at the San Francisco Chronicle before going to
grad school -- got my PhD at Harvard in Political Science and taught at
Rice University, Dartmouth College and the University of Minnesota.
Right now I am on leave from Minnesota to run a Fellowship Program for
the New America Foundation in Washington DC."
Cornell Daily Sun Alumni News
VP Dick Brass '73 Speaks at Sun NYC Dinner
Dick Brass '73, associate
editor of The Sun in 1972-73 and now Vice President of Microsoft, was the guest speaker at the Sun Alumni
dinner in NYC on March 25. More than 60 Sun alums and
editors heard Dick describe the evolution and future of e-books and the evolution
of his career, from 109 East State St. to the NY Daily News to Wang to Oracle to Microsoft. The dinner was
by Bill Howard '74 and Maia Aron '74.
Cooper '53 writes: "In 1991 I retired as professor of
sociology and education at the Hebrew University, where I taught for
almost 20 years, and since then I've been trying my hand at travel
writing. My book "Around the World with Mark Twain" (Arcade)
appeared in June and now I'm looking for another project. If you know
any Mark Twain fans, tell them that I'll be giving two readings in New
York: the Park Slope Public Library on Sept. 18 (7 PM) and the Kew
Gardens Public Library on Sept. 20 (2:30)."
Allison Archbold '94 is a judge advocate in the U.S. Marine
Corps, stationed at Camp Lejeune, NC. Although her life isn't as
exciting as LtCol MacKenzie's on JAG, she did recently return from a
5-week NATO exercise in and around Thessaloniki, Greece. She is
currently mulling over whether to rejoin the "civ div" when
her contract expires in July 2001 or to make the USMC a career.
Holbreich '96, "who until very recently was just another
cog in the Big Machine known as ABC News, where he worked on such
projects as the 24-hour ABC2000 Live Millennium Coverage and obscure
women's health programming, has left the alphabet network to become the
News Editor of the CMJ New Music Report. According to the L.A. Times,
CMJ (College Music Journal) is 'the bible of new music,' and is known to
both radio programmers and record industry executives as a 'primary
source for up-to-the-minute radio airplay data, and cutting-edge new
music editorial.' In pursuing that 'cutting-edge' content, Josh may be
trying to recapture his glory days as the Daily Sun's Arts &
Entertainment Editor. Josh also wants to point out that he is not
expecting children, has not gotten married, and is not engaged to any
other Cornellians."
O. Levy '74, who previously held interim status, has been
unanimously elected Chancellor of the New York City school system.
Pashoukos Wasylik '94 writes: "On April 29, 2000, I married
Michael Alex Wasylik (worse than a non-Sunnie, he's a non-Cornellian!).
Sunnies in attendance included J. Allison Archbold '94 (ME) and
Rubin '96 (I think she was at least AME, and probably something else,
but it was after my time)."
Robert F. Brodsky '46 has sent the Sun Alumni Association his Compet
Notebook from Spring 1942. J. Basil Abbink '43 was M.E. and
Vonnegut Jr. '44 was A.M.E. To view Sun headlines from Bob's
notebook, click
Greg Heilmann
'95 writes: "After starting as a content writer and webmaster, I am now
director of Internet services for Montclare Technologies,
Inc. in San Francisco (worked with them for 3.5 years now). I just bought a
townhome in San Leandro, CA -- this is where I'll be
making my home for the next few years. I will be getting married to Kelly Raum in Palos
Verdes, CA, in Dec. of 2000. She's my high-school sweetheart."
Kapklein (nee Kaplin) '89 writes: "The
Bone Density Diet, which I co-authored with Dr. George Kessler, was
published at the beginning of the year by Ballantine Books. I also
ghost-wrote Plato, Not Prozac! with Lou Marinoff, Ph.D., published last
fall, but my name's not on the cover of that one -- you'd have to get
all the way to the acknowledgments to know I had anything to do with
Weissman '68 writes: "I am slaving away for NASA at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory and am in the middle of a rather large proposal
effort. With luck (actually lots of luck),
NASA may choose to give me about $290 million so I can build a
spacecraft to go to a comet. Lance Benner, another former photo editor,
works here at JPL, and I ran into the former EIC from 1963-64 at a
Cornell Club event here. Also, Paulett Liever '67, a former night
editor, works at JPL."
Kreig '70 writes: "I went from a journalist to an author
(book about the impact of chain management upon the newspaper business,
with examples of slanted coverage of high-profile legal issues) to a lawyer (Latham & Watkins) and now
to a trade association executive. My
organization represents companies involved in fixed wireless
Biddle McMeen '36 was profiled in a lengthy story in "Newsfinder,
The Associated Press News Service for Weeklies." Josephine
writes a twice-weekly column for the Huntington (Pa.) Daily News.
Thomas J. Moore '66
is the author of four books on medical topics, with a focus on
prescription drug safety. To visit Tom's site, click
Gross '89 has authored "Bull Run: Wall Street, the
Democrats and the New Politics of Personal Finance," published by PublicAffairs. To view the book, click
Richard V. Denenberg
'64 has co-authored "The Violence-Prone Workplace: A New Approach to Dealing with Hostile, Threatening, and Uncivil
Behavior," published by Cornell U. Press. To view the book, click
Howard A. Rodman '71 writes:
"I live in Los Angeles with my wife,
Anne Friedberg, our son
Tristan (6), and our dog Nemo. I still write. A film I wrote, JOE
GOULD'S SECRET, adapted from the writings of Joseph Mitchell,
open[ed] in New York
Los Angeles on April 7 and in 'selected cities' the following
week. Please
feel free to inflate our box office.
I sometimes see, in my dreams, a sign that says, 'This is a
daily, not a
weekly,' beneath a large clock with a deadly, red second hand."
Amelia Welt Katzen
Senior Enforcement Counsel of the EPA, writes: "I'm coming up on 10 years
at EPA, and I'm not the president of anything. With 3 teenagers in (and out of)
the house, I'm not even in charge of that! Josh and I did recently reconnect
with Phil and Judy Benedict, and it's nice to see that they haven't changed at
Sun Shorts...
Gary L. Rubin
'72 is a partner in a small law firm that specializes in civil
litigation and arbitration. Gary's practice involves primarily
construction- contract litigation, as well as general commercial
litigation and trusts-and-estates litigation. ...
Fred Ladner '78 writes:
"After many years in banking and finance, I went back to school
at night for my law degree. I now practice law in Minneapolis,
primarily in the field of financial transactions." ...
Levitt '73 writes: "I am seeking a programming position in
the Indianapolis, Indiana, area. Yes, I am still folk dancing, a hobby I
began at Anabel Taylor. Sometimes I now dance on my own dance
floor." ...
Rackmill '93 is a field producer for the investigative news unit
of ABC News, working on stories that appear on 20/20, World News
Tonight, Nightline, and Good Morning America. ... Noni
Korf Vidal
'84 has moved from being the Curator of Photographs
at Kroch Library to being an Instructional Designer at the Cornell
Office of Distance Learning (soon to be known as e-Cornell).
... Aric Press '71 is the new
editor of The American Lawyer, the flagship magazine of American Lawyer
Media ... Davidson Goldin
'93 has moved from NBC to Time Warner's TV station NY1
News, where
he reports from Albany and Manhattan ... Seth
Goldschlager '68 was recently in "sunny downtown Frankfurt
advising the European Central Bank on how to get 360 million Europeans
(and all you visitors to Europe) ready to use the Euro as real money in
two years. I'll try to get you all free samples." ... David
B. Golomb '70, a specialist in med-mal, personal injury, and
product liability, is completing his term as president of the NY Trial
Lawyers Association ... Dick
Brass '73 was profiled in a three-page spread in
the April 3, 2000, issue of Business Week and featured in an April
24th article in the Washington Post about e-books. ... The Rev. Ronald G. Thwaites '67, Member of the
Jamaican Parliament, recently lectured on "The Church and Civil
Society--The Jamaican Challenge."
Wang '99 writes: "I've been a copy editor at The Oregonian
in Portland since November. I finished a summer internship there in
October and was lucky enough to be asked back full-time. I'm spending
four days a week on the sports copy desk and one day on the news desk.
Basically, lots of copy editing and some designing of zoned prep sports
Beckoff Nagy '61 writes: "I'm an attorney specializing in
immigration, a frustrating field with interesting clients and a second
career after many years as a journalist, most of it as a reporter on a
northern Westchester newspaper. But that's not news anymore since I've
been doing it for many years. It is a strange time of life because so
many of my contemporaries have retired or are seriously considering it
and we have all been so identified by our work that it's almost like
watching them start life over again. On the other hand, with children
grown and on their own and my husband more than content with his work,
the last few years have really been the first time I have felt free to
put career first. So, retirement does not look very attractive and, as a
sole practitioner, I really have no timetable for it. In fact, the
lawyer I originally worked for here in Troy has just finished, at 86, a
gradual retirement process that lasted about 10 years."
(Gigi) Strom '86 writes: "I'm living in Israel at Kibbutz Samar,
near Eilat. I manage the dairy and work part time as the economist
for the dairies in the area. I'll be starting a masters in ag ec in the
fall. Everyone I work with is impressed that I went to Cornell, until
they discover I never went near the Ag school! I'll be in the States in
July (in NY/NJ. and Washington) with my family, husband Ofer and
children Yael (7 1/2) and Yotam (2 1/2) and would be happy to see Sunnies
in the area. Anyone travelling in Israel is welcome to visit!"
Sun Weddings, Births,
A. Rahe '70 became a father for the first time in January, 2000
Maia Aron '74 celebrated her Bas Mitzvah on
April 15, 2000.
Do you have
news? Send it to Cornell
Sun Alumni News.
Sun Deaths...
David M. Rosenberg '78
The following was sent in
by Robert B. Bernstein, of Kaye Scholer:
"Bob Kaplan '77, just
e-mailed me with the news that David had passed away at age 45, and that
there would be a memorial service for him at Riverside Chapel on Sunday,
March 10 at 3 pm. (There is an announcement to that effect in
Sunday's Times). As the Times announcement demonstrates, David had
a very distinguished career as an editor at the Wall Street Journal and
at the Times itself. But I (and many others I'm sure) still have very
fond memories of the many days and nights 'Rosinbag' worked at the
Sun. If you can, please try to pass the word along so that those
Sun alumni who have not yet heard and might be interested in attending
the service will know about it. Thanks."
John Clayton Jaqua '40,
retired Sullivan and Cromwell partner and Managing Editor of The Cornell
Daily Sun in 1939-40, died at Lee Memorial Health Park, Fort Meyers,
Florida, March 25, 2001. See obituary.
Faith Apfelbaum Sale
'58 -- The following notice, written by Kristin White Gould
'57, was placed by the Cornell Sun Alumni Association in The New York
"The staff and alumni of The Cornell Daily Sun mourn the death
of our colleague, classmate, and friend, Faith Apfelbaum Sale. As a Sun
reporter, editor, and mentor from 1954 to 1958 she embodied the best of
undergraduate journalism. In her distinguished career as a
literary editor and writers' advocate, Faith's integrity, enthusiasm,
and passion for excellence enhanced American literature, just as she
graced the pages of one of America's great independent university
York Times Obituary
Milton S. Gould '30
"Milton S. Gould, 89, the famed litigator who taught trial
techniques at Cornell Law School and who once fired Marilyn Monroe, died
in his sleep on March 21, 1999. He was a partner in, and a founder of,
the erstwhile powerhouse firm of Shea & Gould."
Of the Cornell Daily Sun
Alumni Association, Inc.
(a 501(c)3 corporation)
Chess '69
Gary L.
Rubin '72
Vice President / Secretary
Larry Arnold
Vice President
Amanda Soule
Shaw '00
of the Day
"It's only a small
exaggeration to say that I went to The Cornell Daily Sun as a
college career, and attended Cornell University on the side."
-- Elaine Povich '75
Sept. 17, 2005
125th Anniversary
New York City
Sept. 24, 2005
125th Anniversary
Details TBA
Oct. --, 2005
Homecoming Reception
PM to 7 PM
The Cornell Daily Sun Bldg
139 West State Street
Friday, April --, 2006
Sun Alumni Reunion
Location TBA
6 PM to 8 PM
Sponsored by the Staff of
The Cornell Daily Sun
May --, 2006
Annual Sun Banquet
Cornell Campus
Alumni -- $25 pp
RSVP: 607 AR 3-3606
Saturday, June --, 2006
Sun Alumni Reunion
2 PM to 4 PM
Willard Straight Hall
5 PM to 7 PM
The Cornell Daily Sun Bldg
139 West State Street
And Visit
The Cornell Daily Sun
Table at Barton Hall
Fri., Sat., June 10, 11
Send news
and suggestions to:
Stan Chess '69
Sun Birthdays
Jun 2 Steven
Fox '82
Jun 3 Wendy Sneff '75
Jun 3 John Annese '97
Jun 5 Vivian Lam Braciale '69
Jun 5 Matt Hirsch '02
Jun 5 David Kaplan '01
Jun 6 Jay Branegan
Jun 7 Liam O’Mahony ’96
Jun 10 Stefanie C. Weiss ’80
Jun 12 Nate Brown '04
Jun 13 Barry
Cutler '65
Jun 13 Scott Lajoie '95
Jun 17 Mary Schmidt '68
Jun 18 Andrew Gelfand '02
Jun 19 Josephine B. McMeen '36
Jun 20 Patrick Kernan '91
21 Janet Senderowitz
Loengard '55
Jun 25 Jay Wang '99
Jun 27 Stu Silver '73
Jul 2 Arthur Silver
Jul 3 Annette Newman Gordon '39
July 4 Sara-Ellen Amster '89
Jul 8 Gilda Linder Morse '54
Jul 9 David M. Stolow '71
Jul 10 Sol Erdman '65
Jul 11 Mark G. Epstein '69
Jul 13 Taron E. Wade '98
Jul 14 Nancy Mills '64
Jul 14 Seth Goldschlager '68
Jul 15 Leon (Lee) A. Allen Jr. '55
17 Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik
Jul 19 Marshall Salzman ’65
Jul 21 Nancy Kober '75
Jul 23 Lindsay Jacobson '04
Jul 25 Gordon Silverstein
Jul 26 Mark Emerson '69
Jul 26 Malcolm
I. Ross '68
Jul 29 Thomas D. Kelley ’31
Jul 30 Wendel Kent '49
Aug 1
Marilyn Moore Pukmel '57
Aug 2 Brad Sherman
Aug 3 Laurence J. Gavin '74
Aug 3 Deborah A. Garcia '93
Aug 4 Daniel Gross '89
Aug 5 Douglas Krohn '91
Aug 6 George E. Johnson '64
Aug 7 Daniel W. Kops '39
Aug 7 Charles J. Sennet '74
Aug 11 Amy Wilson
12 Jacqueline Gerstein Bassan '75
15 Colleen Kapklein (nee Kaplin) '89
Aug 16 William S. 'Bill' Page '39
Aug 19 Charles Persons '02
Aug 20 Ed Zuckerman '70
Aug 20 Norman Reinach '71
Aug 21 Barbara Kantrowitz '71
Aug 21 Sara Katz '02
Aug 22 Aric Press '71
Aug 23 Howard A. Rodman '71
Aug 23 Ann E. Marimow '97
Aug 24 David S. Bilmes '78
Aug 28 William Stoddard '36
Aug 29 Megan Drennan Meline
Aug 30 Karen Cronacher '85
Aug 31 Sandy Loren '83
Aug 31 Jill
Rackmill '93
Sep 1 Molly Touger '97
Sep 3 Andy M. Guess '05
Sep 4 Ira C. Wolpert '59
Sep 6 George Hano ’51
Sep 10 Denise
de Percin '82
Sep 11 Jess Wittenberg
Sep 11 Amanda Angel '03
Sep 11 Matt Chock '04
Sep 14 David Glenwick '71
Sep 15 J Eric Docktor '94
Sep 16 Robert L. Laufer '60
Sep 21 Jeanette Brizel '81
Sep 23 Cynthia R. Leder '77
Sep 24 Frederick P. Siegal '61
Sep 26 Stephanie Hoo '93
Sep 27 Richard B. Hoffman '67
Sep 28 Josh Holbreich '96
My Birthday Info